핑크빛으로 노랑빛으로 그린빛으로 여러개를 만들어
놓고 혼자 흐뭇하던 기억이 나요.
요즘 종이감기를 만들 시간은 없고
그렇다고 구경온 이웃님들 실망시킬 수도 없고....
아껴두었던 물건들을 하나씩
꺼내 보여드리기로 했어요.
One day, it became very fun to make flower wreaths.
I remember making pink, yellow, and green flowers
and smiling just staring at them.
Nowadays, I don't have enough time to make new quilling work,
but then again, I can't dissapoint the neighbours when they come over.
Sometimes, I will show you my best work.

I love your work and find it very inspirational. I also think your books are great!